020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

Are you aware of ‘Roof Cert’?

If you had a plumber or an electrician carry out works on you’re home or you’re commercial project, you would probably insist/assume they were qualified to do their job.

The roofing industry in comparison has had no equivalent accreditation system which has in my opinion allowed for quite a poor stereotype of our industry to develop.

Finally though, there is a collective shift towards professionalism and the NFRC should be championed for pioneering this initiative.

Numerous prerequisite tests must be passed alongside you’re actual roofing skills to gain accreditation, such as manual handing, working at height, abrasive disks and basic first aid.

You can see more information on this link below;


We can all eat but if you’re not supporting this initiative then it’s not at the same table as us.