020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk


Robust ✔️Versatile ✔️Malleable ✔️Aesthetically pleasing ✔️At GWS we are grateful to have such experienced leadworkers available to us on a daily basis.Its use in conjunction with our other specialists disciplines is integral to our ability in offering long term...

Sevenoaks, Kent

A client called to say thattiles had been falling from a commercial block into the busy high street below. We were asked to arrange a license and erect scaffolding as soon as possible to try to avoid any injury to pedestrians The entire top course of tiles had been...

Park Square Mews, NW1(Phase 2)

After many weeks of negotiation, candid conversation and careful consideration, we are finally underway!On a job of this size and difficulty the roofing ironically becomes the easiest part.1. Submit specifications and seek permissions from the Crown Estate2. Liaise...

Lancaster Gate, W2

We are nearing completion of 80 l/m lead corncie for our valued, long term clients Rosewood Ltd.Anthony our leadworker down here has been with GWS for 18 years and started as a labourer.I’ve worked with Ant many times over the years and have always respected how much...