020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

Water ingress had reportedly been going on for years at the junction of the parapet and the patio doors. As well as along the parapet itself. Numerous attempts at repairs had worked for a while and then ended up failing.

When we gave our recommendations I was told that we were the most expensive so I asked the client to compare specifications.

*Erect scaffolding
*Cut back parapet away from doors, amend railing post and introduce a lead outlet
*Rip up tiles and install 4mm torch over the uneven asphalt surface
*Remove doors to allow our liquid system to be taken ‘on to’ the threshold
*Lead flashings
*Replace existing doors
*Lead capping
*Composite Decking & bearers

It would have been completely futile to install a membrane on this terrace without fundamental changes to the design of the roof itself.

These works involved 5 different types of skill set, all managed by one contractor, to provide one warranty.