020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

At GWS it’s to assess and value safety above and before winning any job.

This approach can sometimes mean we earn less and in some cases mean we do not earn at all through not being awarded contracts because our approach means we are too expensive.

Here are three examples of current and prospective jobs from this week;

1. Choosing to use a ‘self adhesive’ felt to a lay board prior to slating and hot air welding the laps – The felt is more expensive and the installation more time consuming but avoids using a flame.

2. Checking if a slate contains asbestos prior to starting works – If a positive test result comes back, the cost of its removal is more expensive through the use of PPE and safe disposal.

3. Working at height – Judging how best to install edge protection along a large flat roof edge prior to quoting for the actual works.

At GWS we do not sub contract any of our work out. Our family business and our 28 staff are our most important asset and as of this week we have 71 current or pending live jobs.