020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

Do you have a job that you’ll never forget?

This green roof project was a huge test for us and one that will live long in the memory of everybody that worked on it.

What was supposed to be a straight forward replacement, quickly turned into a far bigger job when we realised how much rainwater was underneath the system.

Not only was it physically tough removing all of the existing sedum but once removed, we realised that the roof ponded quite badly, so we were having to sweep off standing water on top of the roof each morning before we even thought about what was underneath! The project was therefore behind schedule quite early on….

The fantastic attitude of our men on site accompanied by a helpful, pragmatic approach from Harris Associates and our manufacturer (Garland), meant that we were able to navigate our way through each stage of the works and claw back a considerable amount of time to produce a final product that was worth the wait!